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​Strategies representing the heart of every trading bot. Good strategies in combination with a solid template providing the perfect balance to be successful in every market condition. The Strategies of Munich-Ai have proven even being reliable in every kind of market condition.  Get you own impression on our Discord in section #show-results and see what our customers making out of it.

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Compound Premium

Compound premium is our high-performer. It deliveries high quality signals and will be regularly adjusted based on the market-condition. This strategy is working with all available and supplied templates on Munich-Ai. 


Munich-Ai signals is know on the Cryptophopper-marketplace as one of the leading performing Signals. check out the performance and compare it. The fundamental base is consisting of the Compound premium, therefore you can combine it as well with all offered templates of Munich-Ai as well.



The Munich-Ai compounder is the previous version of our new compound premium. It provides also a remarkable performance on high-market-cap coin. In combination with SET&Forget or Bullish and bearish it delivers signals every 1-3 days.



Munich-Ai Rebound is looking on higher time frames for bottom reversal. This will be mainly used for long time horizons and DCA-Strategies.




Power-Signals is the last signal Munich-Ai released. These signals providing daily updates and looking for a recovery once a bottom has reached. Working on all exchanges and markets. Its been used with its own configuration as described in the article.

Free Scalper

The Munich-Ai Free Scalper is your start into Cryptohopper. It has become one of the most popular free strategies on the market place. Make you own backtests and check out the amazing accuracy this free version is providing. 

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